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Mit einer klaren Websitestruktur zu mehr Verkäufen

Increase sales with a clear website structure

Pay close attention to your website structure: Discover the essential pages every website needs and how to design them effectively.

Your website is a powerful tool for driving sales and increasing revenue. To achieve this, it’s essential to communicate clearly and compellingly. Whether you’re building a new site or revamping an existing one, keep these tips in mind to create a website that converts visitors into customers:

Homepage: Create an engaging entrance

The homepage is often the first point of contact for most of your visitors. Make a great first impression by showcasing your offerings in an attractive way. Your homepage should feature images and text that encourage visitors to explore further. After all, the goal is to guide them towards making a purchase. Check out our blog post, «What should be on the homepage of my website?» for 8 essential tips to optimize your homepage.

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You have never programmed a website before? No problem, with the Website-Builder you can easily create your internet presence with a great start page. Choose one of the 200 design templates and customize the colors, logo and content to your design preferences.

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Header: Give your website a clear and organized structure

Place your logo and navigation menu in the header of your homepage. Use the navigation to link to the most important subpages of your site, arranged by priority. Highlight your most critical subpage - such as your webshop or booking tool - with a prominent button to make it stand out.

About us: Share your story

Your customers want to know who you are. Present yourself and your team in an authentic and approachable way. Share your story and professional journey to highlight your expertise and build trust.

Use your «About us» page to share your vision and values. What drives you? Pass that passion on to your audience. Buying decisions are often driven by emotion - so inspire your target audience with your enthusiasm and leave them with a positive feeling about your brand.

Offer page: Put your products and services in the spotlight

You’ve already introduced your offerings on the homepage. Now it’s time to showcase your product or service in detail. Do you offer different versions or variations? Create subcategories and feature them on separate pages.

Explain your offerings in a way that’s easy for your audience to grasp, even when skimming through the content. Use paragraphs, subheadings, and images to break up the text. Most importantly, include a clear call to action! Direct your visitors to where they can become your customers, such as your webshop or contact form. An effective call to action might look like this:

Register your own domain

References: Showcase your expertise and experience

References are proof that your offerings deliver what you promise. Use attractive product images or case studies from past projects to highlight your expertise. If possible, include testimonials - quotes from satisfied customers are especially convincing. You can also feature press articles or photos from past events as references.

Contact: Make it easy to get in touch

Be accessible! A contact page is a must—link to it from your navigation menu or footer. Include your email address, phone number, and, if applicable, a contact form. This way, your potential customers can reach out through their preferred channel.

Blog: Share engaging insights

A blog adds vitality to your website: news updates show that your site is active and up-to-date. Use your blog to offer a behind-the-scenes look, introduce new projects or products, and - most importantly - cover topics that your site should rank for. Blog articles can help improve your search engine ranking, so write about the subjects that will position you well on search results pages.

Imprint and privacy policy: Ensure legal compliance

Every website needs an imprint and a privacy policy. What you need to include depends on your industry and region. For example, a Swiss website’s imprint should at least contain the company name, full address, email address, and the full name of the responsible person. The privacy policy is typically more detailed. For more information, check out our in-depth article on the new data protection act.

Footer: Lay a strong foundation for your website

The footer appears on every page of your website. Use this space to display information that should always be accessible. Typically, this includes your contact details and links to the imprint and privacy policy. It’s also a good spot to place your newsletter signup form and links to your social media accounts.

Follow these tips, and you’ll soon have a user-friendly and high-converting website. With a clear structure and smart design, your website will become a powerful tool for driving sales.

Woman and man successfully create a website with WordPress

Register your personal domain

Over 270 different top-level-domains (i.e. webiste names ending in .ch / .de / .com / .swiss) are available at Green. With our domain checker, you can check immediately whether your desired domain is available. If it is already taken, try another ending such as .swiss / .com / .org / .net and secure the name for your website.

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