Green - your favorable provider for Internet, TV and telephony
Welcome to Green - your trusted provider for internet, TV and telephony! With us you will not only find great deals, but also outstanding quality and excellent customer service. Our tailor-made packages for internet, TV and telephony are specially designed to simplify your everyday life and provide you with optimum support in a networked world. Whether you are looking for lightning-fast internet, a wide range of TV channels or reliable telephony - Green is the right place for you!
Our offers for internet plans, TV and telephony
PROMOTION | Discount forever on internet plans
Surf at high speed on the best network in Switzerland.
TV for extra entertainment
Choose your desired subscription and enjoy TV entertainment in a class of its own.
Telephony subscriptions to stay connected
Choose our free telephony subscription at a minute rate or with a flat rate.
Learn more about Green
Customer number 1
Customer satisfaction is our top priority because you are important to us
Carefree home installation
Our carefree package for home installation is exactly what it promises