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File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

With an FTP access, you can easily upload and edit files for your website. You can create and manage this access in your Web & Mail Control Panel.


  1. How to Proceed
  2. Create User
  3. Change Password
  4. Show Connection Details
  5. Delete User
  6. Connect to Server

How to Proceed

Sign in to the customer portal using your MY user and password. Customer Portal - Login Page

Navigate to the Web & Mail Control Panel.

Accessing the Web & Mail Control Panel


Create User

Click on the navigation pane on your left-hand side on the option titled FTP Access, under the section FTP. Here you will find an overview of all existing FTP users.

Note: In order to use the primary FTP user for the first time, you must set a new password. To do this, click on the button Actions and then on Change access.

Web & Mail Control Panel - FTP Access

Click on +Add access to create another FTP access. Here you now define the name, folder and password.

Click on Add to create the new FTP access.

Note: Be sure to select a secure password. You can generate a secure password automatically by clicking on the blue key symbol.

You will receive a summary of the connection data. You will need this information to establish an FTP connection.

Note: Make sure to write down your connection data. The password will no longer be displayed as soon as you close this window.

Change Password

To set a new password for your FTP user, click on the Actions button on the right-hand side, then Change access.

[Translate to Englisch:] Web & Mail Control Panel - FTP-Zugang Ändern

Enter the new password in the Password input field.
Repeat your new password by entering it in identical in the Repeat password field.

Click on ✓CHANGE PASSWORD to save your changes.

Note: Be sure to select a secure password. You can generate a secure password automatically by clicking on the blue key symbol.

Show Connection Details

The connection data is required to establish a connection to the web server via FTP. To display this information, click on the Actions button on the right-hand side, then Connection details.

[Translate to Englisch:] Web & Mail Control Panel - FTP - Verbindungsdaten

Here you will find all the connection details, including the server and user name. The only exception is the password, which is not displayed.

Note: Should you no longer know your password, set a new password for your FTP user and make a note of it.

Delete User

To delete an FTP user, click on the Actions button on the right-hand side, then Delete.

[Translate to Englisch:] Web & Mail Control Panel - FTP - Benutzer Löschen

Confirm the deletion by clicking on the red button titled Delete.

Note: The deletion is final and cannot be undone. The primary FTP user cannot be deleted.

Connect to Server

To establish an FTP connection, you may use an application of your choice. These applications are also called FTP clients. We recommend that you use the free software called FileZilla. To establish the connection, enter the following details:

Server: Enter the name of the server here.
User name: Enter your FTP user here.
Password: Enter your corresponding password for the FTP user here.

Then click on Connect to establish the connection via FTP.

The FileZilla FTP Client

Note: If a message about the validity of the SSL certificate appears, you can confirm this.

Congratulations! You now have access to the files and folders from your web hosting and can manage them.