Secure Password Guidelines
There are some guidelines for creating a secure password, which we would like to list below. Of course, these measures cannot guarantee security, but they increase the probability that the password cannot be guessed.
In order to give your password a certain minimum security, please consider the following points:
o Your password should be 12 or more characters long
o Your password should contain at least 4 different groups of characters (e.g. lower & upper case letters, numbers and special characters)
o Your password should not contain any words that can be taken from a dictionary.
In addition, the security can be increased with further criteria:
o particularly long passwords (24, 32 or even more characters)
o use of special characters like !@#$%^&*?_~
o randomly generated character strings (e.g. by the integrated password generator)
Our criteria:
The following criteria, are to be observed for security reasons, if you want to set a password for e.g. an e-mail address with us in the customer portal:
o Must be at least 12 characters long
o Upper and lower case letters
o At least one number
o At least one of the following special characters !@#$%^&*?_~
o Password complexity = Strong