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My website shows the error "Too many redirects / Redirect loop”

Are you getting the error message "Too many redirects" or "Redirect loop" when you visit your website?

This error means that there is an infinite redirection of your website to another page; a so-called "redirect". But what does this mean?

This error is caused by an inconsistent redirection of a domain, for example a redirection from to and vice versa.

In most cases, the cause is a contradictory setting in the web hosting control panel and a CMS.

  • If you use a CMS (e.g. Wordpress), you can specify the default domain in the settings there. In many cases, this is the domain name with www. Wordpress then automatically redirects to this domain.
  • In the Webhosting Control Panel under "Domain Settings" you can set the preferred domain name. If this is different from the setting in Wordpress, in this example as "without www", this will lead to a redirect again.

This contradictory redirection (1x with www and 1x without www) leads to the error "Too many redirects" or "Redirect loop".

www > redirect > without www > redirect > with www > without www > etc.

The easiest way to solve this error is to set the preferred domain to "none" in the "Domain Settings". This deactivates the redirect on the domain so that only the redirect in a CMS (e.g. Wordpress) is used.