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Create an Email Distribution List

You have the option of creating a distribution list for your e-mail addresses in your Web & Mail Control Panel. You can set this up using email forwarding. These instructions will show you how to set this up easily.

To do this, log in to your customer portal and navigate to the overview page of the Web & Mail Control Panel.

Accessing the Web & Mail Control Panel


How to Proceed

To your left, inside the navigation pane, click on the option emails, then email addresses.

Web & Mail Control Panel - E-Mail-Adresses

Select the button actions and then the option edit email address from the dropdown .

Web & Mail Control Panel - E-Mail-Adresses - Actions - Edit email address

Tick the option forwarding emails with a blue marker in order to activate mail forwarding.

Web & Mail Control Panel - E-Mail-Adresses - Actions - Edit email address - Activate forwarding list

Now enter your desired email recipients.

As an example you may enter the following email addresses for your own user titled "":


Note: You may need to create your email address prior to setting up your forwarding list if you would like to use it for a specific use-case (see example "").

Create an email address

Web & Mail Control Panel - E-Mail-Adresses - Actions - Edit email address - Activate forwarding list & enter recipients
[Translate to Englisch:] Änderungen Übernehmen Button

In order to save your changes, click on the green button Apply Changes.