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Times are a changing – so is Green

In its 25 years, Green’s coined the Swiss ICT landscape with its visions and innovations. These milestones show a world full of potential – a potential Green has made good use of. paving the way – a digital pioneer

In the mid-1990s, the Internet becomes increasingly popular in Switzerland. The Swiss Farmers' Association wants to make use of the possibilities offered by this technology and founds in 1995. The association lets its members and people in rural areas surf at local rates and connects them to the world wide web. The subscription costs 19 francs per month.

Broadband and a big step

When ownership changes in 2001, also changes its name. In honor of its rural origins, the company is now called Green. Green offers its first ADSL subscription with 2048 kbit/s and enters the data center business in 2002. A step that will prove to be visionary.

High speed connecting continents

In 2010, digitalization is in full swing. With fiber-optic subscriptions people can now surf with a bandwidth of over 20'000 kbit/s. Meanwhile, Green has expanded its corporate network, launched a fiber optic line to China, and intensified local business relations. In addition, preparations for the fourth data center and the future main location Zurich West in Lupfig are underway.

Innovation for sustainable solutions

Data is the gold of the future. Green’s vision is to shape Switzerland as a data hub. On this mission, the importance of sustainability is reflected in the design of data centers. In 2013, the Swiss Federal Office of Energy awards Green a prize for its exemplary energy efficiency. One year later, Green opens the largest data center in Switzerland and enters the cloud business with its first virtual server.

Cloud technology shaking things up

Company run servers are becoming a thing of the past. 2017, Green develops an entirely Swiss cloud solution. The Virtual Datacenter (VDC) provides IT resources as flexible cloud services. Infrastructure has become a service (IaaS). Meanwhile, Green keeps growing. Plans for a high-performance data center are in the making, its foundation stone is laid in 2018.

Shaping the future

After 25 years, has grown from a start-up into an established ICT company with 100,000 customers. According to a report by independent market researchers at ISG, Green is the leading provider of data center and colocation services in Switzerland. Green impressed the researchers with connectivity, sustainability, and high security standards. Investments in innovation and expansion projects guarantee a bright future for the company and its clients.