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How Switzerland and China are benefiting together from the cloud boom

The technology sector is one of the most important driving forces of the global economy. Under the current corona crisis, the significance of this sector is increasing even further, as new solutions from the cloud are in greater demand than ever before. Thanks to partnerships between various technology providers, Switzerland and China in particular look set to benefit from this trend.

The exceptional situation has resulted in a veritable surge in digitalization throughout the world. Millions of people are suddenly working remotely. There has never before been such high demand for flexible IT resources from the cloud. And it has also never been as important as it is now for companies to gain fast and secure access to these resources.

Beijing in 122 milliseconds

Today, fast and secure data connections are at the core of an effective IT infrastructure. They facilitate countless scenarios, such as

  • Connections to leading cloud providers
  • Data exchange between production sites and the company headquarters
  • Data exchange between commercial partners
  • Data exchange with development partners

High-speed data lines are becoming more and more important in China’s major cities, especially due to attractive solutions that are now being offered by Chinese companies as well, such as Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei and Baidu. However, finding the right local partner and purchasing private fiber optic connections that meet a uniform quality standard has proven difficult up to now.

Strategic partnership guarantees success

The strategic cooperation between Green and the leading Chinese telecommunication providers now makes it possible to significantly lower the latencies that are critical for use of this technology. Companies are connected to the network nodes on the Chinese mainland by means of fiber optic cables and via the most direct route. And with a direct network with all the important technology partners in China if required.

“The partnership is a prime example of the increased cooperation between China and Switzerland. More and more Chinese companies are finding buyers of digital solutions in Switzerland, and more and more Swiss companies are purchasing technology know-how in the fields of augmented reality, robotics and big data,” explained Roger Süess, CEO of Green.

China is Switzerland’s most important trading partner in Asia and its third most important in the world. Thanks to high-performance data connections, the two countries are now moving even closer together. In the future it will thus be even easier to push ahead with digital innovations and to benefit from the advantages that the cloud provides.



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