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IT planning for 2026 and beyond: keeping your options open

The digital world is in flux and no one knows what’s around the next corner – or even where the road will lead. IT managers in almost all industries and administrative areas are facing ever more challenges.

What we know

The thing that will probably concern us the most is artificial intelligence. We know that AI will have an impact on everything, from hardware, software and IT in general to how we use it. We also know that this will cause data volumes to increase immeasurably. We are well aware that the world in general, not just the world of IT, will be fundamentally changed by AI.

What we don’t know

We can think of scenarios where AI could be effective in almost all areas of life. We can speculate on what might happen, what might change or what might become redundant.

However, we have little idea of what the actual impact of AI will be today or in the future. This makes it difficult for IT managers to make concrete plans. What should we do with legacy systems? What systems will we need in the future? What impact will automation have? How should the hardware landscape be designed? And then there are the more basic questions, such as: How does AI influence market performance and business models? How are production, sales and communication changing? How can humans and machines work together? What about security, sustainability and governance? We know the questions, but how do we find the answers?


What can we do?

Be prepared. Take precautions. Change your perspective. Don’t start with what you think you’ll need – choose a solution that allows you to remain flexible and get what you need when you need it. In other words, it’s worth starting by taking a closer look at the options provided by high-performance data centers, and then determining how these options can benefit you.

Data centers today are far more than just storage and server plants

They are the heart of digitalization, offering a comprehensive range of services including DCaaS, SaaS, IaaS and PaaS, as well as virtually unlimited connectivity, private clouds, public clouds, hybrid versions, direct access to local providers and hyperscalers, maximum performance and state-of-the-art security, availability and energy efficiency.

The main advantage is that each company can put together its own “à la carte” solution, while still being able to react flexibly to new qualitative and quantitative requirements and technologies at any time. Data centers can therefore take a lot of pressure off IT managers, not only because of the unpredictable impact of AI, but also in practical terms with regard to the CapEx/OpEx situation. Data centers provide greater freedom, clarity and flexibility. They provide the tools and technologies needed to respond to new market developments and make it easier for companies to focus on their core business.

How do we get there?

Due to the technically, economically and emotionally challenging nature of the path to a future-proof data center, it is worth having a supportive partner who will accompany you along the way. Step by step, with determination and a clear strategy: to have multiple options in place. This means designing data center outsourcing services and journeys to the cloud in such a way that existing solutions run smoothly and future solutions can be integrated efficiently and flexibly to keep your options open.

This transition and our support is where we really distinguish ourselves from the competition. The data center is usually only evaluated at the end of the outsourcing planning process. However, if a multiple-option strategy is chosen instead, it becomes all the more important to take a close look at both hard facts and soft skills when choosing a provider. It’s not just about technical competence, but also about human competence.

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Interview with Marco Stadler: Data center outsourcing as a Herculean task - or how do I eat an elephant?

Marco Stadler, as Chief Sales Officer at Green, you really know your customers. What are they most concerned about right now?

They all know that the future of in-house IT and data centers is being widely scrutinized. And even if our customers are seasoned professionals and experts in their field, when it comes to data center outsourcing, everyone has their work cut out for them. This is of course also due to the fact that comprehensive IT restructuring or outsourcing is usually a once-in-a-career event and therefore most of them will never have experienced it before. There is a lot of uncertainty around – the whole thing is quite a gamble for them and takes a bit of courage.

How can we make the situation easier?

Essentially, the first step is to convey a sense of security and trust during the initial consultation. These types of projects are part of our core business, so we are very familiar with many of these issues and can alleviate many concerns and reservations from the outset. It also helps to think of the whole thing not just as a daunting task, but as a journey into a new dimension. We also see it as an exciting adventure.

Bild: Marco Stadler, Green

In the data center and cloud environment, every journey is unique.

Marco Stadler, Chief Sales Officer Green

What is most important to you when advising your customers?

It’s crucial for us to understand exactly what the customer’s existing data center solution – if they have one – looks like, what IT phase they are currently in, what needs and expectations have to be met, and what the concept and performance could look like. Every journey in the data center and cloud environment is unique, which is why templates and standard solutions are of little use here. It’s also about identifying things you may not have thought about before – it’s important to be perceptive and to identify any potential unknowns.

Migrating IT to a data center poses a significant challenge for most people. How do you deal with it?

You’re probably familiar with the well-known question of how to eat an elephant – one bite at a time. That idea applies here, too. The best way to achieve major milestones is by taking many small steps. This makes the route easier to plan and the journey more manageable, and the individual stages are completed smoothly and effectively. When it comes to outsourcing, this means that it’s better to plan things step-by-step than to make big changes all at once.

Now let’s talk about the Green data center: what are its strengths? What is its USP?

We’re local. We’re based in Switzerland. We’re transparent and take a personal approach. Our data centers use state-of-the-art technology. We’re among the world leaders when it comes to high availability, security, energy efficiency, green solutions and sustainability. We have developed a data center ecosystem in which all conceivable services, technology partners and cloud providers are made available in and for Switzerland. Our international partner network ensures that we can also provide professional support to large companies. And our employees love working with our customers to ensure their success in the future.

What promises can you make to your customers?

We guarantee that Green will always provide them with the best the market has to offer and that they will always feel at home with us in every respect. We also guarantee that they will be fully equipped for their journeys into new digital worlds – and we keep our promises.

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